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Please Note: The electronic files of the articles and abstracts (pdf files) may take a few moments to download after selecting the link. These files are provided for educational purposes only to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. Copyright and all rights therein reside with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each manuscript.
Rho, K. & Birch, S. (March, 2024). The sound of skepticism: Children’s proficiency in detecting speaker disbelief through prosody. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society in Pasadena, CA, USA.
Birch, S., Stewardson, C., Passacantilli, A., Ng, S., Rho, K. (May, 2023). Can Theory of Mind Protect Against Pandemic-related Social-Emotional Difficulties? Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Madrid, Spain.
Birch, S. (2022). Everything about Children’s Social Perspective Taking, Everything about Kids Podcast. [link]
Birch, S. (2021). A Q&A with Dr B. A Parent Outreach Webinar, Wonderkids Ask a Developmental Psychology Series, Vancouver, BC. [recorded presentation]
Birch, S. (April 2021). Children’s Understanding of mental states: How children’s understanding of people’s mental states fosters healthy development. Talk presented virtually as part of the UBC Early Development Research Group Wonder Kids Series. [recorded presentation]
Birch, S. (April 2021). Inferring what others know: How social perspective taking influences learning and development. Keynote lecture presented at McGill University’s Annual Human Development Conference. [pdf of presentation]
Birch, S., Stewardson, C., Passacantilli, A. (2021, April). Children’s social distancing from peers predicts more social- emotional problems: The case for fostering social understanding as a protective factor. Poster presented at the 2021 Society for Research on Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting. [pdf] video walkthrough of poster
Birch, S., Ghrear, S., Cai, N., Dhutt, G. (2021, April). More than words: Children’s ability to recognize a speaker’s confidence from vocal cues. Poster presented at the 2021 Society for Research on Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting.[pdf] video walkthrough of poster
Stewardson, C., Birch, S. (2021, April). Predicting parents’ stress during the pandemic: Loneliness, children’s social skills, and financial concerns. Poster presented at the 2021 Society for Research on Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting. [pdf] video walkthrough of poster
Ghrear, S.E., Haddock, T.B., Li, V., Birch, S.A. J. (2016, June). Curse of Knowledge and False Belief Reasoning. Poster presented at the Human Evolution and Behavior Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada. [pdf]
Ghrear, S.E., Haddock, T.B., Severson, R.L., Penner, E., Birch, S.A., (2015, March). Developmental changes in children’s curse of knowledge bias. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. [pdf]
Chudek, M., McNamara, R., Birch, S., Bloom, P., Henrich, J. (2013). Developmental and cross-cultural evidence for intuitive dualism. Poster presented at the SRCD 2013 Conference, Seattle. [pdf]