Online Studies

Participate in our online study!

Relations between Vocal Cues, Learning, and Well-being


Help with Science AND win a $50 gift card!

The purpose of this study is to examine relationships investigating the link between children’s sensitivity to vocal cues and their level of anxiety (vs. comfort) in social situations. This research is important for understanding social anxiety and ultimately developing targeted strategies to support children and improve their social skills and well-being.

In this study, you will complete an online questionnaire (10~15 minutes) about you and your child. Then, your child will engage in a fun activity with a researcher where they will hear the audio responses of two characters (Megan and Jodi) who are being told stories by two other characters: one who tells truthful stories and one who tells tall tales (i.e. unbelievable stories).Is your child between 6 to 12 years old?
The K.I.D. Studies Centre has an interactive online study for you! Engage in fun activities with your child, answer questions, and earn a $10 gift card or a chance to win $50! Your choice.

We are interested in learning when in development children can detect various vocal cues
To participate, you must be fluent in English and have access to a webcam
Interested? Email us at today!

Eligibility: To be eligible to participate you must be:

  1. live in North America,
  2. have access to a device equipped with a functioning webcam and audio, as well as a teleconference tool Zoom
  3. read English fluently
  4. have a child aged between 6 to 12 years old.

Participants will earn a $10 gift card or a chance to win a $50 gift card! Your choice.

If interested, please email us at today!

Principal Investigator: Dr. Susan Birch, University of British Columbia

Ethics ID number: H10-01272